Established in 1912, the Eagle Rank is the highest rank and most prestigious achievement a Scout can earn. With this rank being treasured, the process to become an Eagle Scout is tedious. We are here to help! This page is aimed to serve as a guide for unit leaders and Eagle Candidates as a guide through the process of earning the prestigious Eagle rank!

Before You Begin

Make sure you are using the most recent version ( Currently December 2022 ) of the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Project Workbook. A PDF Fillable version can be found BELOW. Your proposal and workbook must be typed. Do not hand write your project! Previous versions will not be accepted.

During Your Project


Please notice that the Workbook contains three sections: Project Proposal, Project Plan, and Project Report. 

It is important to make sure you address, in a typed essay format, the four main components mentioned in Requirement 7 on the Eagle Scout Rank Application (ERSA). They include: (1) Statement of Ambitions, (2) Statement of Life Purpose, (3) Leadership, both inside and outside of Scouting and (4) Honors and Awards, any received in and out of Scouting. Ambitions and Life Purpose are two different ways of looking at your life and should be expressed accordingly. This essay is an important part of your application. Think carefully about what you want to say.

Eagle Scout Workbook

Eagle Scout Application 

Make sure to submit the most current Eagle Scout Rank Application with all of your final paperwork. ( Currently June 2022 )

After your project has been approved, you will receive five Reference Forms and council addressed envelopes. You are required to have a minimum of three Reference Forms turned in prior to your Board of Review. These must be from individuals listed as references on the front side of the ESRA in Requirement 2. These three may not be from family members or your troop leaders (the leader signatures on the application are the troop recommendation). If you wish to include family members or scout leaders, they can be in addition to the three required.
Reference Letter Reminders
– You are encouraged to seek these from: teachers, coaches, employers, family friends, religious leaders, and neighbors.
– References from Troop Leaders, family members & relatives will not be accepted as part of your 3 references but may be included in addition to your 3 references.

– These letters must be in sealed unopened envelopes addressed to the Council Registrar. They must not be open or read by anyone except by the Board of Review.

A minimum of three Reference Forms should be received in the Council Office prior to your Board of Review.

Reference Form

Once your have completed your Project Proposal and collected the necessary signatures, please submit to the council office at your earliest convenience. Project Proposals will be reviewed weekly, and if your project meets all established criteria, you will be notified and approved by our Eagle Board Chair and can begin work on your project. If your project poses questions or concerns, you may be asked to reserve a time slot during our monthly Eagle Board of Review meeting to further discuss and explain your project and make any modifications deemed necessary.

If your project is completed and you have finished your workbook (proposal, project plan, project report), application, essay and have at least three of your reference forms, you can contact the council office to reserve a time slot for your Board of Review. Unless announced otherwise, Board of Reviews will be held on the fourth Thursday of each month beginning at 5:00 PM at the council office. Your meeting will last approximately 20-30 minutes. To reserve a time slot, your workbook and at least three Reference Forms should be turned in to the council office at least one week prior to the Board of Review. Late submissions will delay your project meeting until the following month. Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to earn the Eagle rank and be prepared for the process.

Additional Resources

Board of Reviews are the 4th Thursday of every month! Eagle Applications must be turned into the Council Office 2 weeks before the Eagle Board in order to be on the schedule for the Eagle Board that month.

Individual appointments will take place from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at the Council Service Center. 


Stewart Smith


Rodney Brown
