
Welcome and thank you for taking interest in the Black Hills Area Council’s 2024 Fall Popcorn Sale. Every year hundreds of Scouts participate in selling popcorn throughout the Black Hills region to fund raise to help pay for summer camp, scouting events, uniforms, and so much more. With over 70% of sales staying in the Black Hills, every dollar raised goes further and further to help keep scouting alive and well.

Scouts of all ages also learn about “earning their own way” and other life skills such as salesmanship, entrepreneurship, presenting, and public speaking to name a few. These are vital skills that they will use down the road in their personal and professional life.

If you are a unit or a scout, thank you for participating in this year’s sale and helping to strengthen local scouting. If you are a customer, thank you for your support of local scouting in the Black Hills. Now, let us get popping!

2024 Important Popcorn Dates


  • August 23 – Blitz Starts
  • September 6 – Blitz Forms Turned In

Wagon & Storefront Sales

  • August 30 – Initial Popcorn Order due
  • September 12-13 – Distribution to Units
  • September 13 – Show N Sale Starts
  • October 27 – Show N Sale Ends

For Unit Kernals

  • September 12 & 13 – Popcorn Distribution
  • September 22 – Replenishment Order Due
  • October 31 – Final Order Due into the Trails End System
  • November 4 – Popcorn Turn In Everything Day (Paperwork & Money Due)
  • November 15 – Final Order Pick Up
  • Januaray 11 – Popcorn Celebration! ~ A “Prehistoric” Popcorn Party

Popcorn Support

Email Sharon Rendon at rendosha@gmail.com. Call or email Adam Hough at the Scout Service Center. The service center’s phone number is 605-342-2824. Adam’s email is adam.hough@scouting.org.

Call or email Adam Hough at the Rapid City Scout Service Center. If you are calling in regards to when you will receive your product or missing ordered popcorn, please try to have ready the unit number that you ordered from. The service center’s phone number is 605-342-2824. Adam may be contacted via email by sending a message to adam.hough@scouting.org.


Please have the following prepared before arriving at the Scout Service Center (144 North Street, Rapid City, SD 57701). The following items are due to the Scout Service Center no later than November 4, 2024 at 5:00pm mountain time.

  1. One blank check already signed made out to Black Hills Area Council
  2. Full cases of product that you want to return ( Units can only return 10% of their total amount ordered )
  3. Completed Top Seller Form (Click Here to Download)

If you have a scout that has earned the Trails End Scholarship and is now a college student. Please complete the Trails End Scholarship Payout Form and follow the directions on the form to have payment sent to the scouts University.

  1. College Scholarship Payout Form (Click Here to Download)

Unit Resources

Training Resources